Keywords: dmb, extracthelp
(See the best response by GhostAnime.)
Hello, me and my friend TheGreatRay are trying to recover source files for our game Pokemon Shadows In Light, we have been inactive for almost 3 years but now we want to continue our project mainly we looking for a way to extract source code and have seen some posts claiming you have to prove the game is yours to decompile it and here on byond shows Thegreatray as owner and on our site shows me aswell as a owner Any information will be greatly appreciated and sorry for grammar mistakes etc.
You can't.
Best response
An external website is not a good source. Anyone an make an external site and claim it to be any game they wanted.
The greatest proof would be the game creator asking and linking to the original hub and the game can appear on that hub when hosed.

Besides, those who have the decompiler are inactive and know people will try to steal sources that are not theirs so your chances are lowered.

I recommend restarting from scratch.