Keywords: help
(See the best response by WSHGC.)
So I recently bought a shell to host a game for me and I want to know how to edit a games codes. I tried getting help from 2 people but they just laughed at me for not knowing what to do. I'm new to this stuff and I need help :/

I've seen people code things on DM and I tried to open the files with DM and they all didn't work. I want to know how to add my own updates to the game for my own server.

Heres a picture of the file:

All I need to know is what to edit and how to edit it. :)
Cloud Magic wrote:
Would you say, that you wanted to learn how to PROGRAM ?

What? I just want to know how to edit the game. Once I can edit the game I can ask my friend for help from there on.
Best response
For starters, the picture you showed seems to only be host files, and what Cloud Magic said, you wanting to "edit" the games code is you wanting to program. It seems as if you don't know what to do at all, so I suggest reading the DM Guide and also using F1 to assist you and if you have any questions or concerns the Developer Help section is there to get help from people in the community and to also better yourself in the language.