(See the best response by Reformist.)
Problem description:
How do I edit what occurs when a player reconnects to the game?
In this instance I have a intro that plays, but if a player reconnects mid-game-- it just sends them to limbo without displaying the proper start sequence of events.
Best response
The Login() proc is called whenever a client is attached to a mob. This is where you would handle anything that needs to be done on connection or reconnection.

However, if the client is not attached to a mob at first then client.New() should do the trick.
client/New() is what you'd want to look into.

mob/Login() occurs when a client connects to a mob.
client/New() occurs when a client joins the world.
Before client/New(), client/IsBanned() runs, though there really isn't much you'd want to do in this.
Thanks. this helped me track down some things I needed to fix.