Doesn't dmi stand for "Dream Maker Icon/Image" which would mean It's a DM only format? Do jpeg auto convert when you compile, or what?
Not sure what you can/can't use... But here's how I do it...
Get the picture, open it in photoshop (pretty sure you can do the same in paint).

Icon sizes are 32 pixels square, so make any necessary adjustments.

Flatten/Merge all layers into one single layer.

Use the selection tool to select the 32X32 area and press cntrl C

then cntrl V to paste it into a dmi file.

If you havent matched the background colours, the icon's background won't be invisible...
Other formats are internally converted to dmi at runtime when used as an icon. You can do the same anytime by passing an image file to the icon() proc.
In response to Kaioken
Kaioken wrote:
Other formats are internally converted to dmi at runtime when used as an icon. You can do the same anytime by passing an image file to the icon() proc.

Ok, thank you.