(See the best response by DarkCampainger.)

I must have forgotten how to use location. In this instance i want to move a turf by x,y or maybe even z amount.

if i do turf.loc=loc(x,y,z) it says error:turf.loc cannot change constant value.
Problem description:

How can this be solved please and thank you. I don't belive its a hard problem
Best response
You can't move turfs. As the error says, their loc is a constant, and cannot be changed.

You can either switch to using an object, or you can create a new turf at the destination and remove the old one.
of course thats not the only way ive tried, ive tried a few others ways, but the ways ive tried seem to be restricitve to mobs
oh okay thanks ill try to work around that problem then
okay thank you thanks to that information i was able to find a solution to the problem i had thank you