(See the best response by Pokemonred200.)
Problem description:
I'm trying to code a bunch of sorting algorithms in dreammaker.
This is possibly a stupid question:
Is /list a linked-list behind the scenes? Or is it an array?

I ask this, because I need to know if Cut()ing or Insert()ing an element from/into the middle of a /list will mean byond will have to do lots of memory copying.

Sorry if my question isn't very clear, just ask if it isn't and I'll try to clarify
Well, I tested this using Cut() and Insert() repeatedly on the middle element of a list.

100 length list: Cut middle element and Insert null in middle, repeated 10,000 times

took the same amount of deciseconds and had almost exactly the same reading in the profiler as 100,000 length list, using the same trial.

I guess that would imply it's not an array, since I guess an array would require all subsequent elements be shifted down.

Unless of course arrayCopying is much faster than I'm assuming.

Clarification would be appreciated, thanks.
Best response
I assume it's either a linked list or a std::vector/std::map to be completely honest.