(See the best response by GhostAnime.)

Problem description:
I just became a beyond memeber to put my game file up in the site. Once i got the game and everything set up what i did is run it, but it runs with the code and stuff. I went it to run into the game when you press play. how you do this? i did it before but its been almost forever

basically what i want to do is host a game, so i can test two players at once with my alt computer. How do i do this? I think its beyond thats changed and not that ive forgotten now that i have looked more
I am confused by your wording, but if you are asking how to upload host files/game files to your Hub/Byond Files. You first put the .dmb and .rsc of said game into a folder then right click it and hover over send to then click compressed (zipped) folder. Then upload that folder to your Hub/Byond Files.
Best response
You can host the DMB file using Dream Daemon.

If you really want to host through Dream Seeker, you have three ways:

1) If you have the default skin, click the Host button on the bottom right.

(2+3) Otherwise open up the Options & Messages winder (either by pressing F1 or by going under File)
2) In the Option & Messages window, go to: Server > Host
3) The longer route would be (in the O&M window): Client > Command > enter ".host" without the quotes
nothing like that is under file in my dream maker
but i figured something out so thanks