The Exit() and Exited() procs now take a second argument that includes the new location. (This is redundant for Exited(), but is done for consistency.)
Applies to:DM Language
Status: Resolved (507.1248)

This issue has been resolved.
Can we get the Exit() proc brought within compliance with the new format for Enter()

It'd be nice if Exit() by default had an argument indicating what turf the player was moving to by default.

We can do this ourselves, but overriding Move()'s behavior results in a slowdown due to overriding native code.

This one simple tweak shouldn't change much, and will help with things like determining special-case Exit() behavior.
Exited aswell.
Lummox JR resolved issue with message:
The Exit() and Exited() procs now take a second argument that includes the new location. (This is redundant for Exited(), but is done for consistency.)