Keywords: byond, cpu, daemon, profiler
(See the best response by MisterPerson.)
So I've really spent a lot of time optimizing code in order to lower the self cpu on the profiler which has gone great. I've been hosting for about 15 hours and up until now everything has been running smooth. LITERALLY out of nowhere daemons cpu jumped to around 40 and now it just kinda hovers around that mark. Not really sure what to do at this point especially if my procs aren't the problem? Or maybe the procs are eating up a lot of cpu idk. Any ideas?
Open the profiler on world startup. Do this by right clicking on the title bar, and selecting server->Profile...

This profiler will tell you all the information you need to know about which procs are taking up how much CPU, and you can figure out where you need to optimize from there.
In response to Ter13
I do this every single time I host any game. But my values are a lot lower than before but the game randomly eats up my desktops cpu after hours of hosting. A jump from around 1-7 cpu to about 37-40
Best response
Then do another profile after cpu usage jumps
In response to MisterPerson
will do. Never knew the forums could be this helpful. I'll be posting tons of things lol