Keywords: help, ss13
(See the best response by Ter13.)
var/wasd_mode_activated = "WASD Mode Activated!"
var/wasd_mode_deactivated = "WASD Mode Deactivated!"
if(winget(src, "mainwindow.hotkey_toggle", "is-checked") == "true")
wasd_mode_activated << "Test"
wasd_mode_deactivated << "Test"

// Ignore this
world << "Test"
winset(src, null, "mainwindow.macro=hotkeymode input.background-color=#F0F0F0")

// Ignore this
world << "Test"
winset(src, null, "mainwindow.macro=macro input.focus=true input.background-color=#D3B5B5")

Problem description:

I am trying to get text popped up in the chat to say "WASD Mode activated" when "mainwindow.macro=hotkeymode input.background-color=#F0F0F0" happens but, I put "usr << "WASD Mode activated"" and went in game, pressed TAB and it didn't say it. I can't figure out why it won't.

If what I described doesn't make sense, we can talk about it over the pager.

Best response
Change these:

wasd_mode_activated << "Test"
wasd_mode_deactivated << "Test"

to this:

world << wasd_mode_activated
world << wasd_mode_deactivated
I tried using world but, when I press Tab to activate it, nothing pops up in chat saying "WASD Mode activated" and I wouldn't wanna use world anyways because I just want it to show up for the user that does it.
Do you have your output set to default? If you don't have a default output, the message won't go anywhere.

If you want it to show to usr, use usr << instead of world <<
What do you mean by "Do you have your output set to default?".
In response to Tranquill
In the interface you can check off "default" for one of your output windows.

Any messages passed without being specified via output() will be sent the the output element which you made default.