Applies to:Dream Maker
Status: Open

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Is this possible? My idea for this would be via a /file datum that stores the file name like a /savefile does. The main reason I ask for this is because of the Binary IO library, which allows reading/writing of binary files directly from DM (using a DLL). However, due to its reliance on filenames, and the fact that there is no way to get the filename from a file 'as file' argument to verbs/input(), it cannot take advantage of the file dialog used by the 'as file' argument. I'm not sure if this is easy or hard to implement, but it'd be useful for interacting with the Binary IO library, even if for just single-player games.
Pokemonred200 wrote:
no way to get the filename from a file 'as file' argument to verbs/input()

The variable contains the filename when printed.

mob/verb/Upload(F as file)
world << "[F] selected."

Prints: selected.

If you're uploading these files though, you'll likely be changing the same yourself. Just my thought.
Yea, I'm using files from directories other than the game itself (such as files I have in folders on the desktop) which is why I mentioned this. Yea, they'll be uploaded into the game, though.
Sounds like you should be using flist to get names then if you're looking though host directories.

Edit: Have to remember Your and You're. :)
In response to Pokemonred200

Do keep in mind, you will have to give authorization to view files and directories outside of the home directory, unless you are running in safe mode or trusted.