(See the best response by Kaiochao.)
how do you rename lists?

how do you add a list with a variable name(such as [""]) to another list, or edit that list, other than the original line of code its created with
List1 = list(1,2,3)
List2 = List1 + list("a","b","c") // Will be 1,2,3,a,b,c
hmmm are lists not as flexible as I thought?

is it possible for me to name a list [] so that when the list is created the list's name would be whatever m's name is? maybe not, beucase im not sure how you would refer to that list later on in the code
In response to Gluscap
Best response
You can't rename variables. You can't create variables at runtime. This has nothing to do with lists in particular.

If you want something similar, you can use an associative list.
var data[0]
data["name"] = "Gluscap"
data["age"] = 10
data["stuff"] = list("a", "b", "c")

src << "I'm [data["name"]] and I'm [data["age"]] year\s old!"

src << "Stuff:"
for(var/thing in data["stuff"])
src << "- [thing]"

// this would be renaming a "variable"
data["renamed stuff"] = data["stuff"]
data -= "stuff"

Of course there are plenty of reasons not to use lists instead of variables, but it's been discussed recently already.