(See the best response by Kaiochao.)
view is to oview as world is to ???

Is there a list like oview for world? Where its everyone excluding the center?
Best response
Well, there's world.contents - center. Of course, it's generally a bad idea to loop through the world for anything when you could just use your own smaller, managed lists.
        Teleport(mob/M in world)
set category = "Admin"
if(M == src) return
usr.ox = usr.loc.x
usr.oy = usr.loc.y
usr.oz = usr.loc.z
usr.summon = 1
loc = M.loc

I was just trying to make it so that the person themselves don't show up in the teleport list. I used world instead of players cuz an admin may want to teleport to an npc.
In response to Gluscap
Did you try my actual solution to this problem?
Change that first line to

Teleport(mob/M in world.contents - src)
Ah, src works but center doesn't. I keep forgetting to make it world.contents when I'm subtracting things from the world list.
In response to Gluscap
You asked for how to exclude the "center"... It won't always be src in different situations.
Yeah, which is why I wanted center. Teleport(mob/M in world.contents - center) doesn't work, which is what I ideally want. Don't want people already teleporting to where they already are.
It won't always be src in different situations.

That means it is src is some situations, including this one. Center refers to usr or src, center isn't an actual argument.