(See the best response by LordAndrew.)
Problem description:Okay, this was already in my source, had no problems compiling it before, did some changes elsewhere all worked fine no errors, had nothing to do with this part of the code at all, and now the line "/mob/living/carbon/slime/death(gibbed)" gets the error invalid expression, I have no idea why, any help is appreciated.

var/mob/living/carbon/slime/M = new /mob/living/carbon/slime(loc)
M.colour = colour
M.rabid = 1
is_adult = 0
maxHealth = 150
number = rand(1, 1000)
name = "[colour] [is_adult ? "adult" : "baby"] slime ([number])"

if(stat == DEAD) return
stat = DEAD
icon_state = "[colour] baby slime dead"
overlays.len = 0
for(var/mob/O in viewers(src, null))
O.show_message("<b>The [name]</b> seizes up and falls limp...", 1) //ded -- Urist

if(blind) blind.layer = 0

if(ticker && ticker.mode)

return ..(gibbed)

Best response
There doesn't appear to be anything wrong with that particular line. Is there something preceding that line? If not and that is the first line in that source file, then the error could be on the last line of the source file before that one.
You know what, the file before this one just so happens to be the one I was editing. Thank you so much.
Just letting you know, I found the problem and it was directly where you said it would be, thanks for the help man, appreciate it!
Try not being an idiot. :-D
^ Thanks man, you got my vote... Asshole.