Keywords: black, map, screen
I began the DM guide tutorial on creating a map a short while ago and have ran into an issue immediately. I created a mob icon, turf icons for floor and walls and placed them accordingly in the map file. Compiled with no errors but upon running the world it's simply a black screen. I thought maybe the mob was the issue so I ran it without the mob placed on the map and the issues persists. No errors are displayed so I am clueless.

Did you locate() or Move() your /mob on Login()? Plaing a /mob on the map is not good enough, that's for creating a NPC.

If you Move()d, did you make sure it goes to a non-dense spot?
I hadn't done any of that, I just followed the basic instructions in figure 1.1 or 1.2(I forget which) of the DM guide. I was tentative about going any further in the guide until I straightened out this issue, haha.
This code from section 1.2?
icon = 'floor.dmi'
icon = 'start.dmi'
icon = 'wall.dmi'
density = 1
icon = 'player.dmi'
loc = locate(/turf/start)

If this is what you have so far, you only mentioned placing floors and walls on your map. When logging in, your mob is being located to a /turf/start type of turf. Have you placed any of those on the map? If not, read a little farther down in 1.2
You shouldn't have to use locate if there's no login proc used. Its default coordinates is x1,y1,z1. So, if you made a login proc (which you'll need anyways for logon screens and such), you'll want to either put the coordinates in yourself.


You don't need it to have it spawn to a turf/object, and it saves you time to just pick a coordinate on the map.

Though, if Z level 1 has nothing on it, then there would be no turfs at Z level 1. Z levels are I guess you could say dimensions of the map. If you had another Z level where you put turfs at, then simply do this:

There ya go. If you can't see anything yet, then make sure you have a map in the skin file (if you have one), and if not, make sure you actually mapped in the turfs.