Keywords: isometric
Problem description:

Upon fixing some errors with my isometric map, this occured (the view is farther away from the character)

I've tried the normal means of making the view appear closer to the character with no luck.

I changed world icon_size to "64x38".
The view is set to default, and I've changed it around to seemingly no effect.
Is there something special I need to do with an isometric map to get something closer to this(which is what I want) :

Also sorry for all the 'newb' questions, this is just my first time working with iso-gaming.
Changing world.icon_size is not the normal means of making the view zoomed in. This would break your graphics.

The normal way is to set the "zoom" or "icon-size" parameter of your map control through winset() or in the map's options.
In response to Kaiochao
Kaiochao wrote:
Changing world.icon_size is not the normal means of making the view zoomed in. This would break your graphics.

The normal way is to set the "zoom" or "icon-size" parameter of your map control through winset() or in the map's options.

You misunderstood completely.
I didn't change my icon_size as the normal means to make the view zoom in (at all).

The isometric turfs are 64x48. Unless the icon size is set correctly the player will suffer from "falling through" turfs or places on the map where it should be dense. Unfortunately with tiered layering I have to change the pixel_z as the player travels, which resulted in a weird up and down bobbing.

Once I changed my icon_size appropriately, mapping became simple and that fixed the issue altogether HOWEVER, the default view changed into the TOP picture, I want it to look appear like the BOTTOM photo. No matter what I've tried so far,it stays in example 1. (That's what i meant by normal methods to try to alter the view.) Aka :

view = 8;

view = "12x12";

And so on. So, my question remains- is there a way to fix this?