(See the best response by Kaiochao.)
At the moment movement is jagged in my game. I'm not sure if its just me but how do I go about fixing it?

src.speed = (0.008 * src.udex) + 4 + cmsboost

src.speed = (0.008 * src.udex) + 4 + cmsboost
return src.speed

icon_size = 32
fps = 25
#define TILE_WIDTH 32
#define TILE_HEIGHT 32
#define TICK_LAG 0.4 //set to (10 / world.fps) a define is faster, though

speed = 4
move_delay = 4 * TICK_LAG
last_move = -1000
move_delay = speed * TICK_LAG
//set up glide sizes before the move
//ensure this is a step, not a jump
if(src.loc && get_dist(src,NewLoc)==1)
if(last_move + move_delay > world.time)
return 0
. = get_dir(src,NewLoc)
if(. & . - 1) //if a diagonal move
src.glide_size = sqrt(TILE_WIDTH**2 + TILE_HEIGHT**2) / move_delay * TICK_LAG
//glide value must be based on the hypotenuse
else if(. < 4) //north or south case
src.glide_size = TILE_HEIGHT / move_delay * TICK_LAG
//glide value must be based on the adjacent
else //east or west case
src.glide_size = TILE_WIDTH / move_delay * TICK_LAG
//glide value must be based on the opposite
. = ..(NewLoc,Dir,step_x,step_y)
last_move = world.time
return .
. = ..(NewLoc,Dir,step_x,step_y)

Well one thing to mention here, why are you doing this yourself? There's demos that show how to do this already.

Also, are you getting this only when you host the game? (I get this no matter what when I host a game)
This is actually Ter's code.

You should make sure that either one of your MoveSpeed() or Get_Speed() procs is being called and returns what you expect. At this point, I can't say what values for src.speed work well, especially not knowing your desired result.
I originally was using FIREking's smooth tile movement, and it was smooth as fuck I was so happy but as soon as I started hosting the game it was laggy. So I switch to Ter's version, but the same thing happened(but a lot less and consistent with hosting/not hosting). Its why I have both Movespeed() and Get_Speed(), Movespeed() proc was for FIREking's and Get_Speed() was for Ter's.

fps = 40

var/w,a,s,d = 0

winset(client, "w", "parent=macro;name=w;command=keydown+w")
winset(client, "w+up", "parent=macro;name=w+up;command=keyup+w")

winset(client, "a", "parent=macro;name=a;command=keydown+a")
winset(client, "a+up", "parent=macro;name=a+up;command=keyup+a")

winset(client, "s", "parent=macro;name=s;command=keydown+s")
winset(client, "s+up", "parent=macro;name=s+up;command=keyup+s")

winset(client, "d", "parent=macro;name=d;command=keydown+d")
winset(client, "d+up", "parent=macro;name=d+up;command=keyup+d")

spawn move_loop()

if(world.time >= move_time) //should we do anything?
if(!step(src, (s && (SOUTH || s)) | (w && (NORTH || w)) | (a && (WEST || a)) | (d && (EAST || d)))) //try desired direction
if(!step(src, (s && (SOUTH || s)) | (w && (NORTH || w)))) //that failed, try north or south
step(src, (a && (WEST || a)) | (d && (EAST || d))) //that failed, try east or west
spawn(world.tick_lag) move_loop() //return, and do it again

verb/keydown(k as text)
set hidden = 1
set instant = 1
if(k == "w") w = 1
if(k == "a") a = 1
if(k == "s") s = 1
if(k == "d") d = 1

verb/keyup(k as text)
set hidden = 1
set instant = 1
if(k == "w") w = 0
if(k == "a") a = 0
if(k == "s") s = 0
if(k == "d") d = 0

//get_speed_delay(n) takes an argument speed "n" and returns how long it would take to travel 1 tile at this speed in 10ths of a second
return (world.icon_size * world.tick_lag) / (!n ? 1 : n)

//get_glide_size(n, dir) takes an argument speed "n", and direction "dir", and returns the smoothest possible glide_size setting
proc/get_glide_size(n, dir)
return (dir & (dir - 1)) ? n + (n >> 1) : n

var/speed = 4
var/tmp/move_time = 0
var/tmp/transferring = 0

if(!src.loc) return ..()

if(world.time < src.move_time) return 0

if(transferring) return 0

. = ..()

src.move_time = world.time + get_speed_delay(src.speed)
src.glide_size = get_glide_size(src.speed, src.dir)

return .

if(!location) return

src.transferring = 1

spawn(get_speed_delay(src.speed) - world.tick_lag)
src.x = location.x
src.y = location.y
src.z = location.z

src.transferring = 0


src.speed = (0.008 * src.udex) + 4 + cmsboost

src.speed = (0.008 * src.udex) + 4 + cmsboost
return src.speed

icon_size = 32
fps = 25
#define TILE_WIDTH 32
#define TILE_HEIGHT 32
#define TICK_LAG 0.4 //set to (10 / world.fps) a define is faster, though

speed = 4
move_delay = 4 * TICK_LAG
last_move = -1000
move_delay = speed * TICK_LAG
//set up glide sizes before the move
//ensure this is a step, not a jump
if(src.loc && get_dist(src,NewLoc)==1)
if(last_move + move_delay > world.time)
return 0
. = get_dir(src,NewLoc)
if(. & . - 1) //if a diagonal move
src.glide_size = sqrt(TILE_WIDTH**2 + TILE_HEIGHT**2) / move_delay * TICK_LAG
//glide value must be based on the hypotenuse
else if(. < 4) //north or south case
src.glide_size = TILE_HEIGHT / move_delay * TICK_LAG
//glide value must be based on the adjacent
else //east or west case
src.glide_size = TILE_WIDTH / move_delay * TICK_LAG
//glide value must be based on the opposite
. = ..(NewLoc,Dir,step_x,step_y)
last_move = world.time
return .
. = ..(NewLoc,Dir,step_x,step_y)

Is it that only the host suffers from this problem or is it just the best that it'll ever be?
I need to reference lummox to this. I'm having the same issues and I've got a topic for it:

Finally I know I'm not the only one experiencing this.
step_x and step_y are terrible in ss13 and cause jagged movement, we have to use pixel_x and pixel_y not sure if that applys here though.
Best response
If you're actually using pixel movement (step_x, step_y), you really shouldn't have any delays in between steps.
In response to Sgt.Marine
I noticed that I couldn't really see much if any jagged movement when using Forum Account's side scroller library. After some investigation I saw he was using pixel_x and y instead of the built in pixel movement.

I think there's problems with it.