(See the best response by Crazah.)
Hi, so I was wondering if somebody could help me out. I am trying to host a space station 13 server, I have gotten a VPS server paid, but honestly I do not know what to do. I don't know what OS system I should use either. And lastly, would it be better to use web hosting instead of a VPS for a byond games?

Sorry for spelling errors if there is any...
Best response
So if you've purchased a VPS slice from a provider already, you'll have to figure out whether you want a Windows server partition, or a UNIX partition. Usually Windows servers range a couple more dollars because they're more tasking and have a bit more back-end involved.

I recommend something like CentOS 6. It's UNIX based and it's pretty stable and easy to work around. You can poke around on the Linux Talk forums if you need help setting up DreamDaemon, and I'm certain there's a tutorial around the forums there somewhere.
Alright. Thanks for the help :)