These are just images and audio files I've had stored on the site.

Anime Pack: I drew this back when I was making fun of anime games.

Not sure what this is: I drew this a while back but I can't remember why.

Me fighting Bandwagon: Bandwagon wanted a war, and that's exactly what they got.

Me impersonating the crybabies back when we had blogs and some posts were getting hidden from the front page:

99% of the community: This is what I imagine most of our user base looked like back when we had blogs.

Pissing off Cyberlord34: Not sure if you guys remember Cyberlord34, but I pissed him off really bad and 2 or 3 random kids spammed his blog on my behalf and this was the result. This was his alternate key.

Falacy is easily trolled: There's only 3 people I miss. Calus, Forum_account, and Falacy. Falacy because he was so great at taking the bait, mate.

Kumorii was in a bad mood: I didn't like Kumorii's CSS back when we had blogs, and I said it often enough to where Kumorii just decided to ban me from his blog so I couldn't say it anymore. Lol.

Hitler Pie Chart: I don't know why I have a Hitler pie chart in my files but somehow it's there, so here it is.

Metier War Help File: The help file I made for the only game I profited from on BYOND.

Ulric Comic: This comic, and the character "Ulric" was an inside joke. However it's been years and I can't remember why this "Ulric" guy was supposed to be funny.

BYOND Pager: Don't ask.

Some chat room I logged into: Don't ask about this either.

Me impersonating the people who got banned from NEStalgia:

Some map I made that I used to have in my pixel art portfolio:

Of course this is only a fraction of my wonderful experiences on BYOND. Whether this site stays or goes I will always remember the 9 dysfunctional years I spent with you all.

In response to Ganite
Ganite wrote:

A personal favorite.
In response to Kumorii
people like rod5 are why i'd have a hard time doing customer service jobs. i actually have an interview at best buy tomorrow for customer service rep, but i'm not sure how i'll react if i get the job and someone like rod5 shows up saying "fix my xbox nigga"
In response to EmpirezTeam
EmpirezTeam wrote:
people like rod5 are why i'd have a hard time doing customer service jobs. i actually have an interview at best buy tomorrow for customer service rep, but i'm not sure how i'll react if i get the job and someone like rod5 shows up saying "fix my xbox nigga"

lmaooo you say f*ck yo xbox nigga. And I give you permission lmao
I literally just fell out of my seat laughing from Kumorii's post.
I'm pretty sure you used the hitler chart to argue with me about people either being completely evil or good. Don't remember what blog it was, maybe one of masterdarwins or something. Good times.
In response to Boxcar
Boxcar wrote:
I'm pretty sure you used the hitler chart to argue with me about people either being completely evil or good. Don't remember what blog it was, maybe one of masterdarwins or something. Good times. Masterdarwin88?command=view_post&post=117614&page=2&hl=hitle r&hla=EmpirezTeam#comment584919

Found it. I was arguing that people were either good or evil, and you were arguing that no one is good or evil and that we're all somewhere in between or something, IDK, and then I used Hitler as an example, and demonstrated how much good he did in comparison to how much bad he did to appease you.

I think we should have one final mega debate before the forums go away.
PR_Man has great taste.
rod5 is a god among men