(See the best response by Mr_Goober.)
    var/list/heard = get_mobs_in_view(7, get_top_level_mob(src.mob))
for(var/mob/M in heard)
var/client/C = M.client
if (C in admins)
continue //they are handled after that

if (istype(M,/mob/dead/observer))
continue //Also handled later.

if(C.prefs.toggles & CHAT_OOC)
var/display_name = src.key
display_name = "[holder.fakekey]/([src.key])"
display_name = holder.fakekey
C << "<font color='#6699CC'><span class='ooc'><span class='prefix'>LOOC:</span> <EM>[display_name]:</EM> <span class='message'>[msg]</span></span></font>"

code\jay\ get_top_level_mob: undefined proc

code\jay\ get_mobs_in_view: undefined proc

Can someone please explain the issue of me getting an undefined proc error?

get_top_level_mob and get_mobs_in_view this procs are no exist in your procedures. Are you sure procs name are all right?
Best response
The procs that are giving you errors are not built in DM procs. They have likely been defined in a library or source that is not includef in your project. You can either define the procs yourself or find the source code which contains them.
Hm. Sorry, I'm struggling to learn coding, so bare with me.