I have a verb that makes you jump really high. I use the pixel_y var for this, but there is a problem. I put in a shadow as an underlay var, and when you jump, the shadow follows the usr. So can someone tell me how to make a code that makes the shadow stay on the same tile as the usr, even if he moves while jumping. Since im using the pixel_y var, technically, the usr is still on the same tile if he doesn't move.
There is a shadow demo somewhere
You could edit the shadow's pixel_y var to be lower as the person jumps and return it back to normal when they return.

Or you could delete the underlay, create an obj where the shadow is(giving the obj the same properties as the shadow) before jumping, when you return back to earth you could delete that obj and add the underlay back on again.

I'd go with option number 1 though.