BYOND Version:N/A (Website Bug)
Operating System:Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit
Web Browser:Chrome 38.0.2125.111
Applies to:Webclient
Status: Open

Issue hasn't been assigned a status value.
I'm not sure if this has been noticed/reported yet- I skimmed the three existing pages and did not see anything immediately.


When I load up LRS in the web client, I seem to get a rendering glitch in the top left corner. A section of black pixels appears on the intro screen around the bottom left portion of the "L" in "Last Robot Standing." I've put together a small video to demonstrate what I'm far as I can tell, it worked.

To note, this was a passive effect and it started shortly after I joined with no interaction required.

Also, this is only an issue with WebGL, and it does not occur when I use the Popout option.


Okay, it does occur when I use the Popout option [still WebGL only], but it appears to occur less frequently.
To further amend my note, this one might be incredibly difficult to reproduce. I attempted to reproduce it on my work desktop w/ a Radeon HD8570 and was not able to reproduce it under any condition. It must be somewhat specific to my Intel integrated graphics card in my laptop.