If you could play a game based on any anime (aside from bleach or naruto) what would it be?
A real one.
i would love a good turn-based game thats based off bleach. or a good one that like BLS... or a bleach gaame that is based off NFF.. or a Bleach game that is made scratch that would beat all the other dumb bleach games that are playable right now
Kill la Kill
Something that has vexxed my spirit since many a byond year. SHAAAAA MAN! KING! I would also settle for Soul Eater(Done Right with people having the option to merge etc)
Hellsing. Trigun. Yu Yu Hakusho. Trinity Blood.
ive been trying to explain to the world that a courage the cowardly dog MMO would be the best game ever, but no one ever listens.
Adolescence of Utena:

Basically all the players are lesbians, duel with swords, then turn into cars driven by their girlfriends, and race against previously imaginary concepts like "The castle in the sky".

Or perhaps more realistically, Battle Programmer Shirase:

Where-by players hack super-computers using phones, drop old russian satellites on each other, and do battle with "The King of America", all while being hit on by lolis.
In response to Stephen001
rofl. Double compile.
I would like to see death note game, or hunter x hunter
In response to DarkNinjaNaut
DarkNinjaNaut wrote:
I would like to see death note game, or hunter x hunter

Both exist already, and the Death Note game was incredibly popular while it was still hosted. Sadly the game is no longer hosted and the hub is either invisible or Death Note has a CnD on us.
In response to WeabooGamesInc
WeabooGamesInc wrote:
Something that has vexxed my spirit since many a byond year. SHAAAAA MAN! KING!

SOmeone please!
In response to Ganite
Ganite wrote:
WeabooGamesInc wrote:
Something that has vexxed my spirit since many a byond year. SHAAAAA MAN! KING!

SOmeone please!

There's a Shaman King game on the hub that you can download. It's not very good, but it can be downloaded. It hasn't been in production since '08 I think.

EDIT: Found it, was off by a year ShamanKingTheShamanFight
I remb this lol I use to play for boredom. Long time ago I was on this game team: but everyone went missing :(.
Such is the fate of BYOND anime games. Especially with the current community attitude towards fangames. It's not, "Build your own net dream" here. It's "Build your original net dream and if you do anything else you'll be ousted out of society by stoning". BYONDAIYDAEYBOOOSBS too stronk. Quite frankly, I find this attitude sickening, you can't say "I'm making a [insert anime of choice here] game" without everyone saying it'll suck.
meh im to old (19) to care what people on BYOND think lol. I do what i want
nah i think the community went through its "originality" phase a while ago due to the site changes; nowadays, people don't really give a shit what you make as long as it's good

the thing is, nobody is making anything good, original or fan-made.
The reasons I opposed anime and fan-games are simple.

90% of the fan-games here were made by entitled preschoolers who stole and leaked each others sources whenever they were going through one of their tantrum episodes. There was no real game play - you just stood in one spot either hitting a log or using a self-train verb for hours on end. The graphics were the same recycled Zeta trash that have appeared in horrid anime games year after year after year. Not to mention, most of those developers ( if you can even call them that ) wanted to profit, but instead of doing it the legal way and making their own IP, they decided to put the entire site in jeopardy by doing illegal crap anyway.

Even the games that weren't actual rips were still almost just as bad. The people developing them would spend months just working on the base or the Kamehameha beam art, and then announce their game as if they've accomplished something when in reality the game didn't even have a single line of code yet.

Icing on the cake is that they tried to justify it all by saying "anime brought in a ton of revenue for BYOND". Where is this ton of revenue, exactly? Last time I checked, every time Tom mentions something that was bringing in money for BYOND, he refers to Teka's donations and his cut of the NEStalgia sales. I can't recall a time where he said he profited from Dragon Ball: Reborn Birth Of Vengeance Evolution.

And as always, since we're on BYOND, everyone took that type of feedback as a personal attack. Which, my feedback is usually pretty blunt, but that's because I'm just a blunt person most of the time. It's not because I'm sitting at my computer looking for someone to insult. I was actually trying to help those kids to understand how the real world works and how creating their own IPs would turn out better for them in the end. But as usual, any time you give some honest feedback around here, you're called a douchebag because very few people on this site can deal with being told they're doing something wrong. This generation is not only entitled but they all share this delusion that compliments are worth more than criticism.

Failure is the best teacher anyway so maybe it's a good thing most of you have an inability to listen to reason. Sometimes the only way to move forward is to fall flat on your face. This concludes my words of froggly wisdom. Now go, young tadpoles. Go and be free!
In response to EmpirezTeam
EmpirezTeam wrote:
any time you give some honest feedback around here, you're called a douchebag because very few people on this site can deal with being told they're doing something wrong.

there's a long list of people who have me banned from their comments.

then again, sometimes i mix up blunt feedback with humor. but that's usually only after i've completely given up on the individual.
In response to Stephen001
Stephen001 wrote:
Adolescence of Utena:

Basically all the players are lesbians, duel with swords, then turn into cars driven by their girlfriends, and race against previously imaginary concepts like "The castle in the sky".

Your wish is granted, but it's made by Nintendo and is a kart racer.
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