Idle with blinking.


Running. This is where I need help most.
would prob be better to make him lean in a bit while he runs
In response to Zagros5000
Zagros5000 wrote:
would prob be better to make him lean in a bit while he runs

I'm afraid to try that. I was thinking about it. But, I can't imagine how he'd look doing that.
I like it. Considering how small the base is, and how much motion you packed into it, I think it looks pretty good. Depends quite a bit on what the style of all the rest of your graphics are going to be, but I could see that working fine in the appropriate set.
In response to The Magic Man
The Magic Man wrote:
You need to make the arms, legs and body shorter.

Like this.

You'll thank me later.
Yeah, and it looking shorter looks better for the frame size.
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