In response to AC Sephiroth
AC Sephiroth wrote:
Lol'd, Right. Another of those people who gets stomped by some Zed "OMG ZED IS A NOOB CHAMPION.". It's kind of sad that I'm trying to tell you, you're wrong. Yet you think that Zed requires no skill....Aaaaand you play Udyr and Sejuanni :^) Have a nice day.

Have a nice day indeed. If you don't know how to argue other than "You play X so you suck", then there's no point in arguing with you.

What? I never called you low elo trash(I thought it though.), I'm literally giving you reasons why these champions suck.(Atleast the Vayne case, Explaining to a Trick2g wannabe why Udyr sucks would be tiresome.) But I suppose, All you got out my last post was me saying you play Udyr and Sej, and say Zed requires no skill. Udyr is only picked when people want to run around their jungle for about 30 minutes and "open the gates". Sej? She may see some play now she's been tweaked, but most likely not. She's just way to easy to beat early game, Full AP Sej is fun though, I'll give you that.
The fact that you think Udyr and Sej are played like that tells me you have no idea how the game works. You're probably not playing with real junglers.

Zed doesn't require skill though. The only thing you really need to do with Zed is know how to flank and escape which are basic skills for any assassin player.
Man, I guess Diamond / Master teir junglers can't play the game. Sorry, You MUST be right. Sejuanni cant be beat early I guess, And Udyr, Damn he's so good right now....Kappa
In response to AC Sephiroth
AC Sephiroth wrote:
Man, I guess Diamond / Master teir junglers can't play the game. Sorry, You MUST be right. Sejuanni cant be beat early I guess, And Udyr, Damn he's so good right now....Kappa

If you expect us to believe you're in Diamond/Master tier AND believe your statement about Cait being the counter to all marksmen, you got another thing coming lolz. Sejuani is really easy to beat right now, but Udyr is a strong champion. His autos are overtuned due to his skillset, so he can do a lot with little.
I'm done posting in this topic because I feel like it's really just a series of PMs. Feel free to message me personally if you want to talk about League though.
Well okay, Let me educate you sir. (Search King Asakura on EUW, If you want :) ).

I said pretty much all adcs, Why? Because Lucian(Used to, Idk now. he got nerfed pretty hard), Ezreal, even Jinx is some occasions. Still beat her, But champions like Vayne / Varus / Ashe / Kalista / Corki / Kog'Maw. All lose to her in lane, Of course she isn't the strongest late game. Her mid game isn't the strongest either. BUT she still beats pretty much all adcs in lane, And in lower elos..ADCs don't come back from being behind that easily.

Udyr is just like Yi, If you give him room to breath you're done for. BUT, why not just play Xin Zhao?(Yes, He's a thing right now). If Zed isn't hard to play, I guess Lee Sin isn't, Play him too. Play Pantheon, he's overall just great early, and even his mid-game is good.
He just compared Zed to Lee Sin.

Confirmed troll 100%.
"Hey, I'm wrong. This guy must be a troll."

You poor people. :'(
In response to AC Sephiroth
AC Sephiroth wrote:
"Hey, I'm wrong. This guy must be a troll."

You poor people. :'(

I knew you were a troll from the start.

I only bothered because I enjoy typing. But your bait only got worse with every post and it's no longer fun at this point.
A troll because i'm right? Like, Literally right. Because you're some MOBA guru, You have to be right? That's sad dude, I normally enjoy your trolling..This is just silly. Here you go, You're going to need it :)
Please tell me you don't sit around all day making Annie and Kayle coaching videos. That's even more pitiful than what I do every day.

No one needs an Annie coaching video, bro. I think everyone in League knows how to press R by now.
Damn, You're one ignorant low elo trash. Damn. Please just..stop, Like really. You're painful to anyone who knows how League works.
This guy is so troll lolz.
Guys, no one really cares, it's LoL.
As soon as he said he's from EUW I completely disregarded everything he said lol. Udyr is a great champ, he just needs to be played right(Just like any other champion). Caitlyn does counter Vayne pretty hard but a good vayne will know how to get around it. It's been done many times.
Well here's footage of Imp ( Vayne ) going up against a Cait in Korean Challenger ( so in other words, significantly better players than the EU or NA trash ). Take note of how even though Vayne is up against his so-called "hard-counter" and has an unorthodox support, he still wins the lane even when Master Yi comes to gank it and Cait has an actual support ( skip to 9:20 ):

BTW, Imp is the 2nd best ADC in the world right now. Pretty sure if playing aggressive against Cait as Vayne was a bad idea, he'd be experienced enough to not do it.
Bro ever heard of Taric jungle. Too good.
In response to EmpirezTeam
I had to watch the whole game through, holy crap man. Imp is a beast lol
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