Oh yes, Of course. EUW is such a weak region. All those players that transferred to it...oh wait, That's North America.

I get it that you're just blindly ignorant and racist. But bitches please, NAs told seed (Team Solo Mid, just incase you don't know that :^) ). Have 2 EUW players, Guess what? Bjergsen. LITERALLY carried TSM to getting to where they were today. So you're literally just full of shit.

The fact you're using an instance of a game with Syndra support, Just proves how much you truely don't understand what you're talking about. Damn kids, You're sad.

Check. Mate. :)
In response to AC Sephiroth
Racist? Not everyone that plays on EUW is from Europe. It has nothing to do with anyone's race, just with the people who mainly play there. There are tons of videos on YouTube with Vayne shitting on Caitlyn, you can search it up if you want. It's all based on skill. Lol @ checkmate. I love it when people bring in their rank into discussions like this like it means everything.
How many Bronze players does it take to screw in a lightblub? None, because they can't climb the ladder. h4h4h4h4h4h4

If rank meant nothing, why are you all below plat, maybe even gold? I guess, Noob teams holding you back.

Why you taking a meaning less game so seriously. Although I was bronze 5 to gold hue hue then quit. Uninstalled.
In response to AC Sephiroth
I never said it meant nothing. All I said was that it didn't mean everything like you're acting it is :) No wonder you're from EUW. I'd love to actually play a couple games with you and see how you would do.
First of all, for the people that say Zed doesn't require any mechanics, just wow. Ever saw the Faker vs Ryu video? (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o8vGaC4OZIs).

Second of all, that thrash talk on EUW isn't needed at all here. I see enough people on my friendlist transferring to NA, get into diamond division easy and then transferring back to EUW.
That fight was between two professional level mid lane mains, so even if that was a Ryze vs Ryze fight, mechanics and knowledge were going to come into play.

Also, when he switches back and forth between shadows, it's flashy and makes it appear as if it's really hard to do but in reality it isn't. Nothing about Zed is difficult - even the idea behind his juking maneuvers are really straight forward ( you can find the insanely simple explanation of how to pull off a Zed juke on youtube ). All you do is throw the shadow down then lure the enemies away from it. Then when they've walked far away from it, you switch back to the shadows position. Oh wow, such mechanics.

He's not as mechanically difficult as Lee Sin, the champion he was being compared to. Lee requires you to know how to jungle properly ( which is already probably the most difficult role in the game since you're responsible for snowballing everyones lane as well as countering the enemy jungler and securing dragon and baron ) as well as how to ward jump, consistently landing a skill shot with a tiny hit box, keeping up with your passive ( because if you don't you end up lowering your damage output significantly similar to a Riven who doesn't auto attack after her abilities ), using your abilities in the proper order ( Q > ult > Q does more damage than Q > Q > ult ) and initiating on the proper targets at the right time and kicking them in precisely the correct direction. All of that on top of the fact that you're racing against time and if you haven't accomplished much by 20 minutes you're nothing more than someone who punts an enemy every minute and a half.
In response to EmpirezTeam
I remember back when I first started playing and I tried lee. My brother who's played for years couldn't stop laughing at how bad I was lol.
In response to AC Sephiroth
Wait, did I read that right. Did you seriously mean to imply that TSM is our best team? Everyone knows Cloud 9 is our best team. TSM being top seed has nothing to do with how "good" they are. Also, just want to bring out that Dyrus is the unsung hero of that team.
Udyr so badlwjapfowjfowjftrolololol. Just had another really good Udyr game and I remembered this thread. Ah good times :D


If any of you guys still play, you can add me if you'd like. The more people to play with(when I have the time) the more fun the game is for me :)
I hate playing Udyr, mainly because when you're jungling, if anyone loses their lane, they spend the remaining 10,20,30+ minutes of the game blaming you for it.
In response to EmpirezTeam
I hate when this happens, but I have fun playing him regardless mainly because of his movement speed. I love champions that make me feel like I'm blowing through the map. Match history will show who's bad and who isn't so it's fine for me at the end of the day. I'm about to take a break from my project to play a few games if you're on and would like to join :D

Trick2g has essentially made playing Udyr impossible to do without being called a trick2g fanboy or something. On top of that, the actual Trick2g fanboys don't realize that builds aren't a one-size-fits-all thing, so they just rush TF and can't do anything useful because they get blown up so fast. I can't do my cheese dragons so easily anymore so I'm trying to find a new jungler that suits my style. I've been leaning towards Yi but for the most part I'm playing support Teemo atm.
In response to MDC
MDC wrote:
I hate when this happens, but I have fun playing him regardless mainly because of his movement speed. I love champions that make me feel like I'm blowing through the map. Match history will show who's bad and who isn't so it's fine for me at the end of the day. I'm about to take a break from my project to play a few games if you're on and would like to join :D

whats your ign, my main is penalized or something ( like it makes me wait 10 mins before joining a game ) and im on a cardboard 6 alt
My ign is Tanryoku. Doing my last promo game. I lost 4 because of feeders and afks :( I'll probably get put into bronze 1 lmfao
Welp that's 5 games in my provisionals that I had an afk or a troll. Got placed in Silver V despite going 5-5. Oh well. I'll climb up :)
In response to EmpirezTeam
I have a low lvl acc if anything so just add me on Tanryoku whenever you can and we'll take it from there
Haha, just saw this thread.

I'll just say really quick - it is common knowledge that Caitlyn is one of Vayne's hardest matchups. And that Vayne is a champion that is pretty much built to lose lane, in an equal-skill scenario.

But not everyone is equal skill! This is how Vayne can win the Caitlyn matchup. Vayne has to be somewhat aggressive in the early game. You need river wards, and to shove HARD. If you can shove Caitlyn under her tower, she cannot abuse her range on you anymore, or she will miss farm. If you let her shove you into tower, she will autoattack you for free under tower with her absurd range. You also need to trade effectively, and do everything in your power not to take free harass. Autoattack > Q > E. It is a very fast combo that procs your Silver Bolts and sends her away from you.

But for the love of all that is good, don't Tumble straight at Caitlyn. You're just asking for an EQ to the face.

Anyways, I play League quite a bit. I got placed low this season (Bronze 2, lol) but I'm working my way back up. I'm currently Silver 5 being matched against Silver 1/Gold 5, +35LP -9LP. If I don't skip Silver 4, I'm going to cry. lol

I'm "VG Albro" on NA.
In response to Albro1
Sweet. I'll add you as well :)
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