(See the best response by FKI.)
        for(var/obj/card/monster/B in A.m_deck)
var/obj/card/C = new B
src.main_deck += C
C.loc = src

Problem description:
When I run this loop, it seems to always come up with an error message that reads:

runtime error: Cannot create objects of type /obj/card/monster/LOB/dark_magician. proc name: Duel (/mob/non_dueling/verb/Duel) usr: Shun Kurosaki (/mob) src: Shun Kurosaki (/mob) call stack: Shun Kurosaki (/mob): Duel()

I tried using a Duplicate method that I found on the forums but that always crashes the game.

Help D:?

Best response
I think you want new B.type.
Thank you :)