Setting background images for controls where the image path contained backslashes failed in some browsers.
BYOND Version:507
Operating System:Windows 8 64-bit
Web Browser:Firefox 34.0
Applies to:Webclient
Status: Resolved (507.1272)

This issue has been resolved.
Descriptive Problem Summary:
The bg images for buttons will not display in internet explorer.

Expected Results:
The bg images for buttons should display in IE.

IE V11.0.15:
DS V507.1271:
Specify version of IE instead of firefox, and the specific build version of 507.
It would help to know the URLs being used for those images. I'll take a look when I can, but you can probably also discover some things by inspecting the HTML in developer tools.

Also, have you seen this issue in Firefox or is it only in IE?
It is just IE.

I can get the version of IE when I get home. I'm gone for the weekend with family.

What do you mean by needing to know the url for those images?
View the source of the page being generated and determine what URL is being used for the buttons.
Largely I'm curious if there's something aberrant about the URL that's keeping it from displaying, or if something else is wrong that might be clear when examining the page.

It has to be opened in developer tools to see it live though. It won't appear in the page's source.
I'm not seeing this with the issue fixed that impacted the child control. (id:1742756)

Nevermind, I actually do see this with the buttons at the top.
Lummox JR resolved issue with message:
Setting background images for controls where the image path contained backslashes failed in some browsers.