Will using these two together create a lot of cpu usage? Like if you're within view(1) of an object, you can see all the contents within the cabinet. Is range, bounds, hearers any better to use?
If you think the cabinet might turn invisible, or your player could go blind (if blindness keeps you from sensing the contents of a cabinet), you might use view().

If you're using pixel movement and you want to be within a certain distance in pixels, rather than tiles, from the cabinet, then you should use bounds() or obounds().

Probably the most efficient of these procs is range(), but keep in mind that they all do different things.

If you're going to use range(), but you already have a reference to the object (i.e. you might use cabinet in range(1, src)), you should use get_dist() instead.
view() is already optimized internally, it's what you want to be using for that.

Hearers is pretty unrelated and bounds is more expensive but your only option if you're using pixel movement, i.e a step size greater or smaller than the tile size.