BYOND Version:507
Operating System:Linux
Web Browser:Chrome 37.0.2062.120
Applies to:Dream Daemon
Status: Open

Issue hasn't been assigned a status value.

The server is ran in Linux Debian Wheezy 64 bit. It's a 3.1GHz Dual Core virtual processor.

Apparently the size of the screen for web client seems to increase CPU usage heavily. More than 100x what DreamSeeker would ever consume for something so simple. Meaning, any games looking for some big interfaces will have an issue because even if there is something overlapping something else, it still seems to render.

Here's an example of how 100%+ goes down to just 20% when I re-size the window for the game.

This is clearly an issue because it also stacks. The more people that are using the web client service, the more CPU piles up. I noticed this when I ran the stress test

This game that this CPU issue was tested on is If Any further testing is needed, let me know.

Do you see an effect when you change rendering modes?
In response to Lummox JR
Lummox JR wrote:
Do you see an effect when you change rendering modes?

I tested that at the time of this post as well to see if I should mention that. I forgot to add that to the post. There was 0 change. I'll test it again right now just to be sure.

It's on v507.1270. I'm not sure if it would be necessary to upgrade for this debugging. I try to keep upgrades to a minimum since it shuts down all servers on that box.

Edit: - Starting Rendering Mode (doesn't say what type it is though.. bug?) - Canvas 2D - WebGL nearest - WebGL linear (This one, at one point, dropped to 50%. But then went up. May have been a fluke. But, it's better than nothing.)