Ok so from what everyone tells me that plays my game is that the screen becomes super tiny or really small and I have no idea why that is considering when I host and join my game its perfectly fine.

The login system is pane based where it goes from title screen to creation to map or straight to map if you have a save file.

Anyone got any idea what is randomly causing this shrink in window/screen problem?

Have you checked the anchors?

Upload the contents of your Interface file. Just open it with a text editor and paste it here with DM tags around it.
window "default"
elem "default"
type = MAIN
pos = 281,0
size = 1000x750
anchor1 = none
anchor2 = none
font-family = ""
font-size = 0
font-style = ""
text-color = #000000
background-color = none
is-visible = true
is-disabled = false
is-transparent = false
is-default = true
border = none
drop-zone = false
right-click = false
saved-params = "pos;size;is-minimized;is-maximized"
on-size = ""
title = ""
titlebar = true
statusbar = false
can-close = true
can-minimize = true
can-resize = false
is-pane = false
is-minimized = false
is-maximized = false
can-scroll = none
icon = ""
image = ""
image-mode = stretch
keep-aspect = false
transparent-color = none
alpha = 255
macro = "macro"
menu = ""
on-close = ""
elem "child1"
type = CHILD
pos = 0,0
size = 1000x750
anchor1 = 0,0
anchor2 = 100,100
font-family = ""
font-size = 0
font-style = ""
text-color = #000000
background-color = none
is-visible = true
is-disabled = false

this is the window the panes sit on that goe from title-map etc
    elem "child1"
type = CHILD
pos = 0,0
size = 1000x750
anchor1 = 0,0 <---
anchor2 = 100,100 <---
font-family = ""
font-size = 0
font-style = ""
text-color = #000000
background-color = none
is-visible = true
is-disabled = false

There lies your problem. Their screens are probably a different size or they're re-sizing the window. As a result, it probably stretches it. You have to anchor things properly. Do you know how?
well they are claiming the game is like mega small like 132x132 or something ridiculous like that. but i guess auto anchor doesnt do it properly? so how do i do it proper? I mean you can't resize the window as i made sure you cant so idk how they are doing it
idk if this will help but this is the code for when i press the new character button it goes to the creation pane then when i hit submit it goes to the map pane. The delete() just erases the save file if you had one if not its harmless
but outside of all this Idk what going wrong as I can't see the problem myself so I wouldnt be able to kno if its fixed until someone plays and says its doing it or not.

set hidden=1

set hidden=1
var nameval = winget(src, "NameInput", "text")
if(nameval && Village && Trait && Gender)
name = nameval
Let's reproduce this problem to be sure what is causing it.

Ask the people with the problem to screenshot it.

Screenshot it yourself in it's working state.

If you don't mind, I would like to test this as well.

Additionally, I'd like to know what your screen resolution is and what theirs is. I run on 1920x1080.