(See the best response by Nadrew.)
In my hub, I have the download link. If I click on the Zip option whilst on the hub page, the zip downloads fine, however when I use the big Download button on the hub the BYOND client says the download has failed. Is there anything I have been doing wrong?

Best response
The link must be direct, it can't go through a landing page before allowing you to download the file.
I am using Dropbox, set the link to download directly, and if I use the link it downloads directly through my browser, so I don't think that could be the problem.
If you use an https: link from Dropbox, that's the problem. The byondcore library can't handle SSL, and therefore has to accept all downloads unencrypted. Only direct http: links are acceptable.
In response to Lummox JR
Lummox JR wrote:
If you use an https: link from Dropbox, that's the problem. The byondcore library can't handle SSL, and therefore has to accept all downloads unencrypted. Only direct http: links are acceptable.

Is there a way to improve this behavior? The lack of SSL support has been pretty annoying for things like world.Export().
I don't know of any simple drop-in implementations to use as an SSL client. It's nothing I'd be willing to implement from scratch.