The part that is not working is the stupid *** flick proc. I have checked everything to make sure that the icon_state name is correct(which it is), and there are no errors. So what could it possibly be that is making this stupid F****** not work!!!!(I am having a bad day with my game, I get an error around every corner, so if I seem a bit aggitated, thats why)

Heres my code:
Send_Out_Death(mob/M in world)
set category = "GM"
set desc = "Kill someone with the help from death"
var/R = /mob/NPC/Reaper
new /mob/NPC/Reaper(locate(M.x,M.y+1,M.z))
M << "Death appears in front of you!"
world << "Death appears in front of [M]!"
M << "Now you.....<font size = '+3'DIE!!!!!"
M.HP = 0
world << "[M] is now dead."

dont worry about the big letters and color changes, that is just from my HTML coding.
What is the error? and you need a > at the end of that font tag. And '+3' isn't a valid value for the font size. Also, using the

tag will get rid of that HTML.
I'm pretty sure you dont need to quotations in the "fadein" part. But I might be wrong ^_~ just try it


LittleKid15 wrote:
var/R = /mob/NPC/Reaper
new /mob/NPC/Reaper(locate(M.x,M.y+1,M.z))

The trouble is that R is empty, and has nothing to do with the Reaper you just created. You have to store the new Reaper in R for it to work.

var/R = /mob/NPC/Reaper
R = new(locate(M.x,M.y+1,M.z))