Okay, FireEmblem here. I need help with my current project: According To Me: Mace's Wrath! The sequel of According To Me: The Ultimate Puzzle! Anyways, the battle system is not turn-based. Ok, so the first boss, Shrapnull(Cheesy name, huh?) is sposta be strong, but heres the problem. If I put a spawner that spawns new Shrapnulls, what if one is still out there, alive? They'd have to fight 2 SHRAPNULLS! So heres what I need. If the variable "Killed_Shrapnull" is 1, then Shrapnull wont kill you. But what I really need is to make it so a NEW SHRAPNULL will spawn immidiately after the current Shrapnulls death. For more info on my battle system look at Raekwons Demo #1, I used that battle system(Edited a bit ^_^)
P.S. You can host the first ATM game by searching for it in the hub!
Del() //this doesn't delete him, it's just called when he's deleted
new /mob/boss/Shrapnull(1,2,3)

Of course, I'm not sure if that would work. The alternative is just to have the classic relocate the respawn point instead of being deleted. You can check Kunark's tutorial on how to do that.