My language system works fine, that is until i added my save system, what could have affected this? i have a languages list that has what languages you speak, understand, read, whatever, and a speaking var, which tells you which language you are currently speaking on the Say(), it works fine until I add in my save system. My save system is the basic one out of the BYOND Help files, under client/New() I only allow the clients to have one character, and I assign new players to mob/player... could any of these make it so that when I hear something in any other language than common, no matter what, I don't understand it? EVEN if common isn't in my language list?
It's probably not saving your language list.
In response to Garthor
I did not save the languages list, I did not change the language list from default... I just realized what is wrong! I Forgot to change the list! I changed it in the coding, but my savefile overrode it! Thanks Garthor, I never would have thunk it! Later!