Sariat!!! How do i have a donation verb that the peeps can chose who they send the dimes to?
If you want to reach Sariat, try the pager or email. These forums aren't for reaching individuals, but a community of people.

Look up PayDimes() and input() in the reference.

Make a global list of all the acceptable people that you can donate to.

var/list/donateto = list("Sariat","Dan","Tom","Dantom")

Then in the donate verb, let them choose who to donate formt hat list (using the input() proc)

var/donateto = input("Who do you want to donate to?") in donateto

Then pay the dimes to the donateto person.
In response to Sariat
I meant how could they type in the persons name. Not just for the makers. Like so they can chose who they want to give the dimes to.
In response to Gojita321
Gojita321 wrote:
I meant how could they type in the persons name. Not just for the makers. Like so they can chose who they want to give the dimes to.

You can do this then:

for(var/mob/M in world)
//then pay the dimes to the people you want to donate to....

hmm...I'm gonna try this on NPC's...just becuase I'm curious :)
In response to Sariat
Why not just use *gasp* your WALLET?
In response to Garthor
There is no such BYOND key!

So becareful...if there is an npc around with the name Sariat...he just might be getting your dimes :P