can someone tell me what each of this things mean!plz!
command_text = "say "

verb/say(T as text)
world << "[usr] says, '[T]'"

Also plz help me with this. How do u put grass in the game. Lets say i was making a field how would i put the grass on the field?

Command Text="say"
I think that means that the command box will always defaultly have the asy verb in it.

And too answer your other question to make grass you need to code it in
icon='grass.dmi'//Here would go waterever your grass icon is

Spacing is kinda messed up so when you put this in your code tab the icon part once.

Hope I helped ya

~Super Sonic 4~
In response to Super Sonic 4
In response to Sevak
how do u make an icon. Like i made a icon file but how do i make the picture.
In response to Sevak
omg... I can't even answer this... have you even tried to or did you head straigt to the forums?
In response to Airson
i type this in but it never works turf/grass
In response to Sevak

