var/expgiver = usr.ctarg
usr.texp = usr.texp + rand((expgiver.texp/2)+usr.clvl, (expgiver.texp/2)-usr.clvl)

and it gives me an undefined var error and that the expgiver var is defined but not used. I have all kinds of other procs around just like this and they work!
Jinks wrote:
var/expgiver = usr.ctarg
usr.texp = usr.texp + rand((expgiver.texp/2)+usr.clvl, (expgiver.texp/2)-usr.clvl)

and it gives me an undefined var error and that the expgiver var is defined but not used. I have all kinds of other procs around just like this and they work!

Yes, that means you have 2 of the same var in your code for instance
mob/var/happy = 0
in 1 .dm file
mob/var/happy = 0
in another

Im pretty sure,
- TheWizard