Diablo Stallion
icon = 'diablostallion.dmi'
icon_state = "diablostallion"

This is line 38 of my mob code. When I go to build, run, it compiles and says this error.

loading Simpsons.dme Stallion:value not allowed here

Simpsons.dmb - 1 error, 0 warnings (double-click on an error to jump to it)

i dont understand the "value not allowed here" part. The diablostallion mob is in the folder for the game. The codes naming codes are correct, and it is also in the right place, So i need help with this. Also if your a good icon maker i need one for my game. NO I DO NOT NEED HOMER AND BART!!! I don't need lisa either. I have them already.Donate icons and get a free subscription to the game when its done. Thank you!
Imbob182182 wrote:
Diablo Stallion
icon = 'diablostallion.dmi'
icon_state = "diablostallion"

This is line 38 of my mob code. When I go to build, run, it compiles and says this error.

loading Simpsons.dme Stallion:value not allowed here

Simpsons.dmb - 1 error, 0 warnings (double-click on an error to jump to it)

i dont understand the "value not allowed here" part. The diablostallion mob is in the folder for the game. The codes naming codes are correct, and it is also in the right place, So i need help with this. Also if your a good icon maker i need one for my game. NO I DO NOT NEED HOMER AND BART!!! I don't need lisa either. I have them already.Donate icons and get a free subscription to the game when its done. Thank you!

The problem is that you tried to put a space in the mob's type; that's not allowed. Your code should look like this instead:
diablostallion // this line is where the space fails
name="Diablo Stallion"
icon = 'diablostallion.dmi'
icon_state = "diablostallion"

Lummox JR
In response to Lummox JR
just use the same code bob as you entered but call the top part diablo_station.