I'm having a problem with my saving, when I log out it gives the error:

runtime error: Failed to write variable SaveFile to savefile players.sav. The value being written was players.sav (/savefile).
proc name: Logout (/mob/Logout)
usr: Jinks2k1 (/mob)
src: Jinks2k1 (/mob)
call stack:
Jinks2k1 (/mob): Logout()
Connection closed.

my code is:

Login() = "/"
if(ckey in SaveFile.dir) = ckey
usr << "Welcome back, [name]!"
world << "[name] has rejoined the world!"
usr << "Welcome!"
world << "[usr] has entered the world for the first time!"
usr << "Your character has been saved!"
world << "[name] logs out!"

I think it's pretty obvious what I'm trying to do I just don't understand why it would be giving me the error. any help in this matter will be very much appreciated.
If nobody knows why this problem exsists could you please just start me out with some saving code that will recall the users last location and stuff. I tried deadron saving libraries but they don't work. If you guys could help out on this that would be awesome.

In response to Jinks
refer to my post under Code problems, i believe it was by Malvar and called Saving...