Ok, In my game Heres what it does:
var/housenum = 1
usr.loc = locate(1,1,maxz)//go to the next avaliable house
usr.maxz += 1//make house occupied
usr.House = usr.z//make that their house

Ok thats just perfect and dandy but heres the problem..
Ok so heres what I need help on:
1)Getting it so if your maxz = 2 you dont go to the Village
2)Teleporting without getting messed up
3)Making it so when you enter a house you go to a certain z level on Map001..
Thanks! FireEmblem,
[EDIT]P.S. It is 3:18PM in my time zone, answer this correctly before 3:30 to claim a BYONDime*
*The BYONDime will be given as soon as I get one..keep bugging me.
FireEmblem wrote:
Ok, In my game Heres what it does:
> var/housenum = 1
> mob
> var
> House
> Login()
> usr.loc = locate(1,1,maxz)//go to the next avaliable house
> usr.maxz += 1//make house occupied
> usr.House = usr.z//make that their house

Ok thats just perfect and dandy but heres the problem..
Ok so heres what I need help on:
1)Getting it so if your maxz = 2 you dont go to the Village
2)Teleporting without getting messed up
3)Making it so when you enter a house you go to a certain z level on Map001..
Thanks! FireEmblem,
[EDIT]P.S. It is 3:18PM in my time zone, answer this correctly before 3:30 to claim a BYONDime*
*The BYONDime will be given as soon as I get one..keep bugging me.

There are a few faults in your code so how about trying something like this,
Note: You are using maxz wrong and it would give you errors since maxz is used for world and not a mob

mob/var/house = 0
world.maxz++ = src.z

That should do it post if I missed anything..