I need to know the code to fuse two characters, for my dbz game, by either poratto earrings or fusion dance, plz
Try to make a non-dbz game and we might anwser...
Teran wrote:
I need to know the code to fuse two characters, for my dbz game, by either poratto earrings or fusion dance, plz
mob/verb/fuse(mob/M as mob in oview())
usr << "You fuse with [M]!"
M << "[usr] fuses with you!"

Write your own code for your purposes. This is the code I use for fusion. Yours is completely different, as you can see.

If you're going to make a game, actually make it; don't get others to make it.

In response to Vortezz
Thanks for the code, and i did actually make it myself coding and all except for the fuseing code
In response to Vortezz
This is my prefered Fuse code:

<code>mob/var/powerlevel = 1000 mob/verb/Fuse(mob/M as mob in range(1)) if(powerlevel < 1000) usr << "You are too weak to fuse!" return name = "[][]" usr << "You fuse with [M] to become [name]!" powerlevel += M.powerlevel del(M)</code>