

usr.loc = locate(10,1,1)
if(src.key == "Akarat")
icon = 'car1.dmi'
world << "Akarat enters the world! bow down!"
verbs += /mob/gm/verb/start_round()


This comes up with the warning:

----- use call() to call a proc by reference
loading map1.dmp
saving roadrace.dmb

roadrace.dmb - 0 errors, 1 warning (double-click on an error to jump to it)


when i start the game the verb starts atomatically. How do i set it so it just appears in the gm's Commands list?
thx in advance

- Sam

When you add the verb, don't use (). The parentheses are confusing DM, which thinks you're trying to call a proc when all you really want to do is add its type path to a list.

Lummox JR
Hmm I dont know how this would work in byond. but in C++ you get rid of the () to call a proc by its location.

Anyone know if that works in byond?
In response to Lummox JR
Wow you posted while I was typing. Cool glad to see thats the same.