I've noticed that when mobs that have been saved for later use are loaded, some of their vars are modified or erased. If I have a code like this

var/savefile/F = new("players/whatever.sav")
F["mob"] << src

what aspects of src does it actually save? I've noticed that most of the variables (HP, exp, etc.) stay in tact, but some of the lists, especially the verbs (even those that are mob-based and saved as "mob/PC/var/list/whatever_temp_verb_list"), are modified.
Gakumerasara wrote:
I've noticed that when mobs that have been saved for later use are loaded, some of their vars are modified or erased.

Things defined as tmp or global variables are not saved. Verbs are not saved by default. You can look at


For an example of how to save verbs. Or you can even use that library to have verbs saved automatically.