ive been trying to figuire out how it works but nothing i try works i wanna make it so when u bump into like a sign it says something but i cant figure out how to make that work
the Bump() proc is called when something dense prevents you from moving. The most common mistake when using Bump() is that people confuse what is bumping and what is getting bumped.

This is the format for Bump():

(src is usually ommitted, but it is there.)
src is the thing that was trying to move.
O is the thing that stopped src from moving.

In your case, src would be the mob and O would be the sign. You want to override the MOB Bump() proc to catch when your player bumps into a sign.

src << "You bumped into a sign."

You might also want to search the forums for postes that contain "Bumped()" in the body. I describe a more object oriented approach. I'll make a FAQ entry for this when I have a bit more time.