I put a password protection code up for a turf.. and when you enter it ask for a password and it spose to take you to a Place. Like 1,1,1/. but i get this error:

runtime error: Cannot execute null.Enter().
proc name: Enter (/turf/passwordturf/Enter)
usr: Shadow-Siient (/mob)
src: the passwordturf (16,20,1) (/turf/passwordturf)
call stack:
the passwordturf (16,20,1) (/turf/passwordturf): Enter(Shadow-Siient (/mob))

Heres the code:

var/pass = input(M,"What's the password?") as text
if(pass == "unix12")
M << "Correct."
return 1
M << "That is not the password!"
return 0

ShadowSiientx wrote:
I put a password protection code up for a turf.. and when you enter it ask for a password and it spose to take you to a Place. Like 1,1,1/. but i get this error:

runtime error: Cannot execute null.Enter().
proc name: Enter (/turf/passwordturf/Enter)
usr: Shadow-Siient (/mob)
src: the passwordturf (16,20,1) (/turf/passwordturf)
call stack:
the passwordturf (16,20,1) (/turf/passwordturf): Enter(Shadow-Siient (/mob))

Heres the code:

var/pass = input(M,"What's the password?") as text
if(pass == "unix12")
M << "Correct."
return 1
M << "That is not the password!"
return 0

That's a strange error message for this section of code, but I do see something wrong that may or may not fix your problem:


Should be:

In response to Skysaw
THank you! its works fine :) thankssss!