Is there a way to lets say you build a house but there is no power so citizens dont come, but if there is a power plant 9 tiles away the people for that house will come. Is there a way to set this?
hmmmm maybe if you try

for(var/obj/power_plant/O in oview(9))
//do rest here

this might work might not ask an oldbie if this will work
In response to Strange Kidd
I tried it but i seem to get errors. Any other suggetions. And how would you add pop to the person who made it. I cant use usr or src
In response to Strange Kidd
if i use this:

for(var/turf/Residental/T in oview(9))
Pop += 20

I got about 14 errors. Hmmm...
In response to Tazor07
Are you calling this on a proc or what because I am not seeing where it is being called.
In response to Super16
i didnt know you needed to make a proc
In response to Super16
Hmmm when i tryed using New() as the proc the power plant still didnt seem to add pop for every residental in 9 tiles:

icon = 'Turf.dmi'
icon_state = "PowerPlant"
for(var/turf/Residental/T in oview(9))
Pop += 20