(See the best response by Nadrew.)

Problem description:I already have a font file saved into my game. What I would like to know is what is the simplest way to put it to my desired location? I looked at the references already but had no idea where it would be located after searching around for a bit, I have a brief understanding of it, I just haven't done this before.

print it on a HUD system
Best response
Take a look at the 'maptext' variable in the reference.
Read up on maptext and other variables here:

var/list/font_resources = list('fonts/file.ttf') //Directory of your font.

screen_loc = "CENTER:-32,CENTER-1" // : will offset by pixels. - or + will offset it by world.icon_size * the value.
maptext = "<b><font size=5 color=#555>Example Text</font></b>"
maptext_height = 40
maptext_width = 200

client.screen += new/obj/ExampleMapText
In response to Xirre
ahhh okay thanks a lot. I knew about half of that I was missing the stuff with maptext. Thanks for the help!