how do you build things of your chose using clicking to build? or creating a new thing where the usr is? if so how?
Tazor07 wrote:
how do you build things of your chose using clicking to build?

You need some way of choosing the type, probably with a verb or clickable statpanel/HUD interface. A var to store the type, and of course to overide the turf/Click() proc.

list/MyListofBuildTypes = list(/obj/fruit/banana,/turf/tree/banana_seedling)
// change MyListofBuildTypes whenever something happens that would change the build choices this mob has

verb/select_type(Type in MyListofBuildTypes)
build_type = Type

new usr.build_type(src) // create a new build_type on this turf

or creating a new thing where the usr is?

Same thing, you just need a verb or other way to trigger it:

list/MyListofBuildTypes = list(/obj/fruit/banana,/turf/tree/banana_seedling)
// change MyListofBuildTypes whenever something happens that would change the build choices this mob has

verb/build(Type in MyListofBuildTypes)
new Type(src.loc) // create a new thing of Type right where the player is now
In response to Shadowdarke
What if it is like sim city and you click a button on the left to build? its a hudmenu
In response to Tazor07
Then you would overide the Click() proc for the HUD atom to set the build_type.
In response to Shadowdarke
i seem to be having a problem using it as a hub. Can anyone help?
In response to Tazor07
We can't help if you don't give us any details about the problem. What is the trouble?