Hi all I am making yet another dbz game but it wont be on the BYOND server or released to the public so i wont mention its name but I would like someone to help me with some problems ive got well.... 1. When you powerup i would like it to stop about 100 or 200 above the maximum power level that they have acheived (by the way this is for my friends so it will be private).But when you power up in my game it keeps going WAY! over their MAX power level so if anyone could help me on that it would be great. now #2....
If you ever play DBZ Byond games youve probably noticed DRAGON BALL ZETA and it has a permanent server now..... how can you get a permenent server?
thanks for your time in reading this.
Regards Rinereg.
if(usr.PowerLevel<= usr.MaxPowrLevel)
usr <<"You don't need to power up right now!"

Is that what your looking for?

-Kappa the Imp